Our own Legal Specialist, Christine Dzujna, will talk about the work of Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund in the first segment this Sunday on the award-winning ‘For the People’ radio program. Christine was interviewed at the recent CT-NOFA (Northeast Organic Farmers Association) conference. If you’ve been wondering about the organization, Christine will discuss the role of FTCLDF […]
Food Rights News
State Food and Food Safety Bills Passed in 2022 Are a Mixed Bag
State legislative sessions are currently active and at FTCLDF we are monitoring a number of bills relevant to our mission, and of interest to our members and their food production operations. The following are food and food safety bills that were passed in the 2022 legislative session and the implications of each: Connecticut Connecticut passed […]
Law Clerk Wanted: Help Our Farmers Grow!
FTCLDF seeks a law clerk to conduct legal research to serve its members and potentially update resources. The law clerk may conduct legal research on a number of agricultural or food law matters as required by its members. This may include…
Top 5 Legal Trends in 2023 for Small Farmers and Artisanal Food Producers
We can’t believe 2022 is almost in the rearview mirror! FTCLDF accomplished a great deal last year on behalf of our members and we invite you to read more about our work in 2022. We are ready to face 2023 with the same determination to address the barriers and struggles our members face. Looking ahead […]
Member Survey Says…
Thank you to all our members who participated in the recent survey so that we can do more to better serve you. Our members are made up of farmers, homesteaders, other food and beverage producers, food buying clubs, and eaters. Our members’ top three favorite member benefits are: 1. Use of toll-free 24/7 emergency hotline…