**New Updates Below as of January 2022!**
Typically, meat intended to be sold must be processed at a United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) or a state-run processing facility where meat is regularly inspected. The USDA has identified a number of exemptions from that requirement.
USDA exemptions (9 C.F.R. § 303.1) that are most applicable to small producers include:
- Livestock slaughtered for personal use.
- Livestock custom slaughtered or prepared.
States commonly further regulate by limiting the number of owners of an animal for purposes of custom slaughter. When a live animal is sold to an owner or owners, states may further regulate the slaughter and processing on-farm for personal use. Please read the notes in the chart below the map for details on state regulation.
State-by-State* Review of Custom Facility Regulations
(Personal use exemption regulations also included in chart below)
- Animal share legislation
- Custom/slaughter prior to custom facility permitted
- Slaughter at a custom facility only
- Mobile slaughter only prior to custom facility permitted
*Specific requirements for custom facility/slaughter prior to custom facility may vary by state.
Copyright © 2022 Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund, farmtoconsumer.org. The map is the property of the Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund (FTCLDF). This map may not be reproduced or altered without the express, written permission of FTCLDF, and if permission is granted all reproductions must cite FTCLDF as the source of the original material. This map is not intended to be used as or construed as legal advice.
Read “Introduction to the Updated Red Meat Map & Chart” for more details.
By State – Legality of Custom Slaughter Facility and On-Farm Slaughter for Personal Use.
Complementing the above Red Meat Nation Map is this chart which provides among other details, relevant statute and regulation citations, and whether there is a limit on the number of owners for a custom-slaughtered animal. The chart also contains information on state requirements about who may do the slaughtering, whether it’s the owner, the producer, or both.
Note on the Personal Use column below: If a state’s personal use exemption language only referrs to “animal of his own raising” but is silent as to owners, we conclude that new owner/end consumer cannot use a personal use exemption.
STATE / USDA | STATUTE OR REGULATION | CUSTOM SLAUGHTER | OWNERS PER ANIMAL | PERSONAL USE EXEMPTION For Producer (owner who raised animal) and New Owner (purchaser of live animal not raised) |
USDA | 9CFR 303.1 | Yes. No FSIS registration/approval required, but it's recommended that states have a permitting process. The owner of the livestock may have her livestock slaughtered by one custom exempt operator, and then transport product to another custom exempt operator for further processing. The owner may also slaughter/field-dress the animal and have the carcass further processed at a custom exempt processing facility. | No Limit. The names and addresses of the owner(s) must be kept by the custom exempt operator. | Producer on farm slaughter and processing permitted. New owner can slaughter/process on producer/seller’s farm/ranch only without assistance from producer/seller. |
Alabama | Code of Ala. Section 2-17-27 Code of Ala. Section 2-15-41 Ala. Admin Code r. 80-3-10-.04 | Yes, with Alabama Department of Agriculture and Industries issued Grant of Inspection. Producer may not field dress, owner may. Field dressed cattle must be at least 30 months old. | No limit. Paperwork/record requirements are number of animals received, owner's name and address, date animals were received, license number of the method of delivery of the animal, and animal description. | Producer only |
Alaska | 18 AAC 31.770 AS 17.20.334 (animal shares) | Yes. Defer to USDA for pre-custom exempt on-farm slaughter/processing. Separate rules exist for reindeer meat per 18 AAC 31.205 AK law on animal shares now allows producers to process for members of animal share arrangement subject to contract, labelling and other requirements. | No Limit. | Defer to USDA. |
Arizona | A.R.S. Sections 3-2011 & 3-2002 A.R.S. 3-2017b A.A.C. Section R3-2-203 | Yes. Custom slaughter businesses require a license issued by the Department of Agriculture. A mobile slaughter licensee may slaughter on the property of the animal owner and return it to a licensed processor for processing. A producer who wishes to slaughter for others on producer’s property must have a non-mobile custom exempt license. | No Limit, though, as of November 2020, the state Department of Agriculture is working toward a rule change limit of 4. | State law permits on farm slaughter and processing to both producers and owners under the personal exemption (hides must be inspected and meat not removed from premises until marked “not for sale” by a livestock officer, except that swine hides require no inspection). |
Arkansas | A.C.A. Section 20-60-204 | Yes. Per Department of Health, no permit is required. Defer to USDA for pre-custom exempt on-farm slaughter/field dressing. | No Limit. | Producer only. |
California | Cal. Food & Agric. Code Sections 19020 (as amended Jan 2020 by Stats. 2019, Ch. 324, Sec 2, and by Assembly Bill 888 approved by governor in Sept 2021) Cal Food & Agr Code Section 19010 and 18955 | Technically, state does not permit custom slaughter. However, mobile slaughter operators may slaughter cattle on owner’s premises or producer’s premises (can be on behalf of multiple owners) and then deliver meat to a processor. Producer using a mobile slaughter operator for slaughter on behalf of multiple owners must register with the state. A CDFA licensed Livestock Meat Inspector must perform the ante-mortem, post-mortem, pre-operational sanitation inspections and proper marking during all phases of slaughter. | No Limit. | Producer permitted. New Owner may have MSO slaughter on producer’s property after cattle inspection (no more than 5 months), and brought to facility for further processing. |
Colorado | C.R.S. 35-33-107, 35-33-206 C.R.S. 25-4-1617 (animal share law), 35-53-101 (brand inspection) | Yes, with CO Department of Agriculture license. Both producer and new owner can slaughter and then remove to a licensed facility for further processing. *New 2021 law also permits the sale of animal shares. | No Limit; however, the processor may not accept the animal if the number is unmanageable. If the animal is regulated by the CDA Brand Division and a brand inspection is required, a bill of sale or ownership document may be required. | Defer to USDA |
Connecticut | Conn. Gen. Stat. Section 22-272b | Yes. Defer to USDA for pre-custom exempt on-farm slaughter/field dressing. | No Limit. | Producer only. |
Delaware | 3 Del. C. Section 8708(13) & (14) and 8709 DE Admin Code Title 3, Section 301 | Yes. A license required from the Dept of Ag Food Products Inspection Div. Defer to USDA for pre-custom exempt on-farm slaughter/field dressing. | No Limit. | Defer to USDA. |
Florida | FL Statute 500.601 (custom meat processing/retail meat sales) | Yes. Defer to USDA for pre-custom exempt on-farm slaughter/field dressing. | No Limit. | Defer to USDA. |
Georgia | GAC Section 26-2-112 a(2) Ga. Comp. R. & Regs. R. 40-10-1-.04 Ga. Comp. R. & Regs. R. 40-10-1-.22 | Yes. A license from either USDA or the Georgia Meat Inspection Section is required for custom exempt slaughter of all amenable livestock. Field dress/slaughter can be performed by an owner but not a producer. | No Limit, but many owners discouraged. Paperwork/record requirements are numbers and kinds of livestock custom exempt slaughtered, quantities and types of products prepared, and the name and address of the livestock and product owner(s). | Producer only. |
Hawaii | HRS Section 159-29(2) and (3) HRS Section 159-37(4) | Yes. Requires a permit for exemption from the Board of Agriculture. Defer to USDA for pre-custom exempt on-farm slaughter/field dressing. | No Limit. Paperwork/record requirements are imposed by statute by the Board of Agriculture, though none have been issued regarding custom slaughter. | Producer only. |
Idaho | IDAPA | Yes. Defer to USDA for pre-custom exempt on-farm slaughter/field dressing. | No Limit. | Defer to USDA. |
Illinois | 225 ILCS 650/5, 5.1 and 5.2 8 Ill. Admin. Code Section 125.151 | Yes. Custom slaughter businesses require a license from the Chief of the Department of Agriculture's Bureau of Meat and Poultry Inspection. Either producer or owner may deliver slaughtered or farm-dressed carcasses to a custom exempt operator for further processing. Mobile custom slaughtering is not allowed. | No Limit. Paperwork/record requirements are name and address of the owner, carcass or portion of the carcass received, the date received, the dressed weight, and notice to the Chief of the Department of Agriculture's Bureau of Meat and Poultry Inspection of intent to use the custom exemption. | State law permits on farm slaughter and processing to both producers and owners under the personal exemption, but animal must have been owned for at least 30 days. |
Indiana | Burns Ind. Code Ann. Section 15-17-5-11 345 IAC 9-2.1-1 | Yes. Requires a grant of exemption from the Indiana State Board of Animal Health. Defer to USDA for pre-custom exempt on-farm slaughter/field dressing. | No Limit. | Defer to USDA. |
Iowa | Iowa Code Section 189A.3 - 189A.4 | Yes. Requires license issued by the Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship. Field dressing allowed if the custom exempt operator approves; bovine spongiform encephalopathy, also know as mad cow disease, requirement on animal being ambulatory must be met. | No Limit (though more than 4 owners for cattle or 2 for smaller animals is impractical and discouraged). Producers wishing to market individual cuts to consumers (or businesses) must have livestock slaughtered under inspection. | Producer only. |
Kansas | K.S.A. Section 65-6a31 K.A.R. Section 4-16-1c | Yes. Registration required with the Secretary of the Department of Agriculture. Defer to USDA for pre-custom exempt on-farm slaughter/field dressing. | No Limit. Ownership of each animal must be documented and maintained by the custom operator. | Producer permitted; defer to USDA for new owner. |
Kentucky | KRS Chapter 263.160 | Yes. Field dressing/slaughter by owner or producer not allowed. | No Limit. | Producer only. |
Louisiana | La. R. S. Section 3:4215 LAC 7:XXXIII.105 & LAC 7:XXXIII.107 | Yes. Grant of Inspection from the LA Department of Agriculture and Forestry required. Field dressing – only eviscerating, or skinning and eviscerating – an animal and then transporting the carcass to a custom exempt operator to complete the process, is allowed by an owner/producer as long as they also attest to the operator that the animal was ambulatory when harvested. | No Limit. | Producer only. |
Maine | 22 M.R.S. Sections 2514; 2514A; 2518 CMR 01-001-346 Section 3, Subsection 2 | Yes. Registration or license required with the Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry, except custom slaughterers who travel to perform services solely at the owner's home/farm. Defer to USDA for pre-custom exempt on-farm slaughter/field dressing. | No Limit. Paperwork/record requirements are species, dressed weight, owner's name and address. | Defer to USDA. |
Maryland | Md. AGRICULTURE Code Ann. Sections 4-109(a)(2) and 4-119 | Yes. Registration required with the Department of Agriculture. Defer to USDA for pre-custom exempt on-farm slaughter/field dressing. | No Limit. | Producer only, |
Massachusetts | ALM GL ch. 94 Section 130 105 CMR 500.030 & 500.031 | Yes. Custom slaughter businesses require a license from the Department of Public Health. An owner of wild game may field dress before transporting the carcass to a custom exempt operator for further processing. | No Limit. Record keeping includes animal health certificates and animal source, number/type of animals, dates of slaughter, quantities and types of products, and owner info. | Producer only. |
Michigan | No Statutes/Regulations on the Books | Yes. Defer to USDA for pre-custom exempt on-farm slaughter/field dressing. | No Limit. | Defer to USDA. |
Minnesota | Minn. Stat. Section 31.A.15 Minn. R. 1540.0020 | Yes. Custom processors require a custom processor permit issued by the commissioner of the Department of Agriculture. (A COVID expedited approval process is being offered for a 90-day provisional grant of inspection for custom exempt slaughter establishments - involves continuous inspection). Farm slaughter by a producer is allowed only if the producer is a licensed custom exempt operator unless for own household under personal exemption. | No Limit. Required to keep records of all transactions. | Producer only. |
Mississippi | Miss. Code Ann. Sections 75-35-31, 75-35-103 2 Miss. Code R. § 1-4-07-01-110.01 Section XI 111 of Meat Inspection Regulations | Yes. Registration and/or a license is required through Mississippi Department of Agriculture and Commerce (MDAC). Defer to USDA for pre-custom exempt on-farm slaughter/field dressing. | No limit. Paperwork/record requirements are name, address, and telephone number of each owner, provided before slaughter. | Defer to USDA. |
Missouri | Section 265.320 R.S.Mo. 2 CSR 30-10.010 | Yes. Defer to USDA for pre-custom exempt on-farm slaughter/field dressing. | No Limit. Paperwork/record requirements are name and address of the owner, species and weight of animal slaughtered, and kind and weight of items prepared. | Defer to USDA. |
Montana | 81-9-218, MCA 81-3-211, MCA 81-3-210, MCA ARM 32.6.712 MT SB199.2 (2021) Local Food Choice Act | Yes. Custom processors require a license issued by the Department of Agriculture. Shares may require a state agency securities registration exemption. Please contact FTCLDF. Defer to USDA for pre-custom exempt on-farm slaughter/field dressing. | No Limit. Beef/cattle/horses need a change of ownership inspection when the animal is sold, and all owners must be named on the document transferring ownership. | State law permits on farm slaughter and processing to both producers and owners under the personal exemption. |
Nebraska | NRS 54-1915-01 (animal share law) [R.R.S. Neb. Section 54-1908 (Power to Exempt)] | Yes. Defer to USDA for pre-custom exempt on-farm slaughter/field dressing. *New 2021 law also allows for animal share arrangement for multiple owners of herd without registration or licensing. | No Limit. | Defer to USDA. |
Nevada | NAC 583.530 Nev. Rev. Stat. 565.040, 566.025 Nev. Rev. Stat. Ann. Section 583.454 Nev. Rev. Stat. Ann. Section 583.515 - Exemptions (Repealed) | Yes. Custom processors require a permit issued by the Department of Agriculture. An owner may also slaughter/field-dress the animal and have the carcass further processed at a custom exempt processing facility. | No Limit, but there must be reasonable personal use. A record of all animal sales and owners is required. A brand inspection is required before any bovine slaughter or transfer of ownership. | Producer only. |
New Hampshire | RSA 427:2-a | Yes. Defer to USDA for pre-custom exempt on-farm slaughter/field dressing. Separate rules exist for reindeer meat per 427:2.a.IV | No Limit. | Producer only. |
New Jersey | N.J. Stat. Section 24:16B-42 | Yes. On-farm slaughter/field dressing not allowed before delivery to the custom-exempt facility. | No Limit. | Producer only. |
New Mexico | NM Stat § 77-17-2 | Yes. Application and registration with the Department of Agriculture required for custom slaughter establishments. Defer to USDA for pre-custom exempt on-farm slaughter/field dressing. | No Limit. | Defer to USDA. |
New York | NY CLS Agr & M Section 96-a - 96-f, 96-d | Yes. A farmer selling a live cattle, sheep, swine or goat to a consumer can field dress the animal before transport to a custom exempt facility. An owner can only slaughter on seller/producer’s property if the seller/producer does not assist in the slaughter/processing (unless they have a custom exempt license). | No Limit. | Producer permitted; defer to USDA for new owner. |
North Carolina | N.C. Gen. Stat. Section 106-549.27 2 N.C.A.C. 52D.0101 | Yes. On-farm slaughter/field dressing by a producer before transport to a custom exempt facility is not allowed except for producer and household’s personal consumption. | No Limit. | Producer only. |
North Dakota | N.D. Cent. Code Sections 4.1-31-01.1 & 4.1-31-10 N.D. Admin. Code 7-13-02-01 N.D. Admin. Code 7-13-02-03 | Yes. Annual registration required with the Department of Agriculture for custom exempt plants. Spring 2020 interpretation allows custom facilities to operate as a broker or agent; see DOA newsletter https://www.farmtoconsumer.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/ND-Message-from-Commissioner.pdf A “field slaughterer” is a custom operator who can field slaughter for an owner on owner’s premises and then complete processing at a registered processing facility; a “mobile slaughterer” can slaughter at the premises where the animals were raised. | No Limit. Custom exempt plants required to maintain records equivalent to federal requirements. | Producer only. |
Ohio | ORC Ann. 918.10 OAC Ann. 901:2-1-01 & 901:2-1-04 | Yes. A license is required from the Department of Agriculture for custom slaughterers who slaughter for the owner of the animal. Producer or owners may slaughter and bring to custom exempt processor for further processing. | Up to 4 owners per animal. Paperwork/record requirements are numbers and kinds of livestock slaughtered, and names and addresses of the owners. If multiple owners, slaughterer must indicate part of the animal each owner is to receive. | Producer only. |
Oklahoma | 2 Okl. St. Section 6-195 OK Admin Code 35:37-3-1; 35:37-3-7 (c) | Yes. License required from the Department of Agriculture, Food, and Forestry. Producer/Owner may slaughter on farm/field dress no more than 10 animals annually (otherwise a mobile farm slaughter establishment permit is required). | No Limit. Paperwork/record requirements of all transactions: customer names, number of animals slaughtered per customer, number of animals over/under 30 months of age. | Producer only. |
Oregon | ORS 603.025 ORS 603.034 ORS 603.045 | Yes, with Oregon State Department of Agriculture issued license. Field dressing not allowed. | No Limit. | State law permits on farm slaughter and processing to both producers and owners under the personal exemption. |
Pennsylvania | 31 P.S. Section 483.3 7 Pa. Code Section 1.11, 1.12 | Yes, meat establishment license needed from Animal Health. USDA otherwise regulations and confirms compliance with custom exempt requirements. Defer to USDA for pre-custom exempt on-farm slaughter/field dressing. | No Limit. Paperwork/record requirements are numbers and kinds of livestock slaughtered, names and addresses of owners of the animals. | Defer to USDA. |
Rhode Island | R.I. Gen. Laws Section 21-11-3, 21-11-7 216 RICR 050-10-4 Section 4.6 | Yes. Requires a permit from the Department of Health. Field dressing/on-farm slaughter may be conducted by owner or producer. | Only one owner per animal according to department policy. This limitation is not in either statute or regulation. | State law permits on farm slaughter and processing to both producers and owners under the personal exemption. |
South Carolina | S.C. Code Ann. Section 47-17-90 S.C. Code Regs. 27-1023 | Yes. A producer may slaughter cattle, sheep, goats, and swine and deliver to a custom exempt facility for further processing; an owner may only field dress game animals before processing at a custom exempt facility. | No Limit. | State law permits on farm slaughter and processing to both producers and owners under the personal exemption, as long as animal has been owned not less than 30 days. |
South Dakota | S.D. Codified Laws Section 39-5-6; 39-5-11 | Yes, an annual license is required from the Animal Industry Board and safety training every 3 years. Field dressing only allowed by a representative of a licensed facility. | No Limit. Records of all transactions are required. | Producer only. |
Tennessee | Tenn. Code Ann. Section 53-7-209, 53-7-216 & 53-7-220 | Yes, with Tennessee Department of Agriculture issued license. A producer may slaughter on farm before delivery to a custom exempt facility for further processing; an owner may only field dress deer. | No Limit. | Producer only, and any excess meat resulting from the slaughter may be sold to consumers/other owners. |
Texas | Tex. Health & Safety Code Section 433.006 25 TAC Sections 221.11; 221.12; 221.14 | Yes. Requires grant of custom exemption from the Department of State Health Services. Adopts federal exemptions and rules regarding slaughter and field dress. Slaughter of game and exotic animals permitted prior to delivery to custom exempt facility. | No Limit. Paperwork/record requirements are name, address, and telephone number of the owner, and the date the animal was slaughtered, the species, and a brief description of the animal, and documents related to each transaction. | State law permits on farm slaughter and processing to both producers and owners under the personal exemption. Slaughter/processing must be conducted on producer’s premises for producer use; at a new owner's premise for new owner use; or at a processing establishment for either. |
Utah | Utah Code Ann. Sections 4-32-106; 4-32-107; 4-32-108 U.A.C. R58-11-3; R58-11-4; R58-11-6 | Yes. On-farm/field dressing only allowed with a farm custom slaughter license. | No Limit. A valid farm custom slaughter licensee must maintain records of the name, address, and telephone number of the owner, a full description of the animal slaughtered, including age, brands, marks, and any other identifying features, proof of ownership, destination of processing, the date of slaughter, and the Farm Custom Slaughter tag number. Animal owners must have a Brand Inspection Certificate. | Producer only. |
Vermont | 6 V.S.A. Sections 3305 - 3307 & 3311a (this section to be repealed 7/1/2023) CVR 20-023-001 | Yes, license from the VT Agency of Agriculture is required. On-farm slaughter on the producer’s premises may be performed by an owner, or an itinerant slaughterer hired by an owner, before transport to a custom exempt facility. Producer cannot assist and must be registered as a livestock seller. Limited to 10 cattle, 30 swine, or 80 sheep/goats per year. | No Limit. Requires owners sign an owners certification. | State law permits on farm slaughter and processing to both producers and owners under the personal exemption, but new owner allowed only if performed on the producer’s farm with no assistance from the producer, the producer is registered with the state, and other requirements are met. |
Virginia | 2 VAC 5-210-30 Code of Virginia 3.2-5406 | Yes. Permit issued by the Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services. Defer to USDA for pre-custom exempt on-farm slaughter/field dressing. | No Limit. Name/address of each owner and products must be maintained along with proof of ownership. | Defer to USDA. |
Washington | Rev. Code Wash. (ARCW) Section 16.49.035 WAC Section 16-610-100 WAC Section 16-19 | Yes. License required issued by the Department of Agriculture. Field dressing/on-farm slaughter allowed only by a licensed mobile Custom Farm Slaughtering unit. | No Limit. A certificate of ownership is required at the time of slaughter along with custom slaughter beef tags provided by the Department of Agriculture. | Defer to USDA. |
West Virginia | W. Va. Code Section 19-2B-4 to 8 W. Va. CSA Sections 61-16-2 & 61-16-6 On necessary custom stamps, see WV Code 19-2B-6(e) & CSR Section 61-16-7.6 | Yes. Requires a license issued by the Department of Agriculture. On-farm slaughter/field dressing is allowed by an owner; a producer can only slaughter on behalf of an owner with a custom license. | The Dept of Ag recognizes up to 4 owners per animal (1 owner per quarter). Certain custom stamps are required for carcasses. | Defer to USDA. |
Wisconsin | Wis. Stat. Section 97.42 Wis. Adm. Code ATCP 55.01, 55.04, 55.08 & 55.09 | Yes. Mobile custom slaughter operations are required to hold a registration certificate from the Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection. On-farm slaughter/field dressing of amenable species or wild game animals is allowed by an owner, or a mobile custom processing unit. | No Limit. Paperwork/record requirements are name and address of the owner, the number and type of animals slaughtered, the date of slaughter, and the disposition of each carcass. | State law permits on farm slaughter and processing to both producers and owners under the personal exemption. |
Wyoming | WCWR 010-0003-14 (WY Administrative Rules-Food Safety) Meat share law: W.S. 11-49-101 through 104, W.S. 11-23-102(a) | Yes, a license from the Dept of Ag required. State labeling requirements. Slaughter by a licensed custom exempt operator must occur in a licensed plant or on the livestock owner’s premises. Sale of live animal between buyer and seller must occur before slaughter. *WY law on animal shares now allows rancher to process for members of animal share arrangement, and provide specific cuts of meat to animal share owner. | No Limit. A Brand Inspection Certificate is required before slaughter; issued to the animal owner by the Wyoming Livestock Board. | Defer to USDA. |
January 20, 2022
Copyright © 2010-2022 Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund www.farmtoconsumer.org. The chart is the property of the Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund (FTCLDF). This chart may not be reproduced or altered without the express, written permission of FTCLDF, and if permission is granted, all reproductions must cite FTCLDF as the source of the original material. This chart is not intended to be used as or construed as legal advice.