A note from the nationwide nonprofit organization, Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund, honoring Dr. Theodore Beals upon his memorial, July 23, 2022. FTCLDF provides free legal support to its members, mostly small sustainable farmers including many raw milk farmers. Theodore Beals Obituary (1934 – 2021) – Chelsea, MI – Ann Arbor News (mlive.com) Ted Beals worked […]
raw milk safety
ACT NOW: Support the Interstate Milk Freedom Act!
On December 12, 2019, Representatives Thomas Massie (R-KY) and Chellie Pingree (D-ME) introduced the Interstate Milk Freedom Act. Please call your House Representative and tell him/her why you care about this legislation.
Muffins as Contraband
Kris Unger owns Dairy Delight, a 100-head herd share operation in Michigan. Dairy Delight’s cows are coddled. They receive a six-month break every year, and are rotationally grazed on over one hundred acres. Dairy Delight herd share owners are devoted to clean, local food, without government interference. The Michigan Department of
Michigan MDARD Seeks Destruction Order for 18 Oatmeal Cookies and 17 Apple Muffins
The Michigan Department of Agriculture and Rural Development (MDARD) has filed a complaint with the Livingston County Circuit Court asking that the court order the destruction of, among other foods, 18 homemade oatmeal cookies and 17 homemade apple muffins. MDARD seized the cookies
How Low Can the Government Agenda Against Local Food Go?
I didn’t expect to write about raw milk twice in a row. While the West Virginia raw milk mangling was despicable, driven no less by an anonymous tip, it wasn’t unexpected. You don’t play ball with the big kids and not take some dirty elbows