When it comes to food safety, ventilation is neither the cause nor the solution to odors, vapors, and condensation. You prevent odors with structural containment and exhaust to the exterior, not by relocating odors elsewhere through air…
Michael Fisher
Light is good. Historically, the federal government agrees. Regulations of the Bureau of Animal Industry, the first federal meat inspection agency, required that there “shall be abundant light…to ensure sanitary condition”
As a kid, I picked cherries from the cherry tree in our backyard. Another form of cherry-picking occurs when FSIS inspectors base an allegation of noncompliance on isolated regulatory text and ignore the qualifying regulatory text. 9 CFR 416.2(b): Construction is often cherry-picked.
Grounds and Pest Control
An undeniable truth: someone will disappoint you at some point in your life. An undeniable falsehood: 9 CFR 416.2(a) prohibits insects and rodents within an official establishment.
Appealing FSIS Noncompliance Records
A noncompliance record is the basic building block for FSIS enforcement actions. Like my grandchildren’s LEGO objects, some noncompliance records have purpose; others are pure imagination.