USDA Food Safety and Inspection Services inspectors routinely cite 9 CFR 416.4(a) and 9 CFR 416.4(b) when alleging noncompliance because these regulations are not straight forward. They rest on terms with no official….
Michael Fisher
Equipment and Utensils
Sanitation requirements for equipment and utensils found in the Bureau of Animal Industry sanitation regulations, first published as 7 CFR 8 in the 1938 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), remain intact. But times have changed. Stainless steel and plastic have replaced cast iron, steel, and…
Dressing Rooms, Lavatories, and Toilets
This is the last article in a series about facilities. Dressing rooms, lavatories, and toilets are a life necessity. We do not talk about them much, but we cannot avoid them. If you prepare food for human consumption, they are essential because this is where you maintain your personal…
Water Supply
I took precautions yet I still contracted Shigella dysenteriae. Most likely this was from consuming fresh fruit from a vendor who washed it with water contaminated with human feces. You cannot take the safety of the water for granted. 9 CFR 416.2(g) shares…
Plumbing and Sewage
In 21st century America, it is easy to take the pipes that carry potable water in and non-potable water out for granted. Out of sight should not be out of mind. My father was a plumber and routinely put me up close and personal….