I took precautions yet I still contracted Shigella dysenteriae. Most likely this was from consuming fresh fruit from a vendor who washed it with water contaminated with human feces. You cannot take the safety of the water for granted. 9 CFR 416.2(g) shares…
federal regulations
Plumbing and Sewage
In 21st century America, it is easy to take the pipes that carry potable water in and non-potable water out for granted. Out of sight should not be out of mind. My father was a plumber and routinely put me up close and personal….
When it comes to food safety, ventilation is neither the cause nor the solution to odors, vapors, and condensation. You prevent odors with structural containment and exhaust to the exterior, not by relocating odors elsewhere through air…
Light is good. Historically, the federal government agrees. Regulations of the Bureau of Animal Industry, the first federal meat inspection agency, required that there “shall be abundant light…to ensure sanitary condition”
Herdshare Tips From Houston Mountain Ranch
One of the benefits of an FTCLDF membership is help with contractual documents—like herdshare contracts. In 2014 FTCLDF set up a herdshare contract for Kirk and Pat Dotson of Houston Mountain Ranch, a third generation family ranch in Colorado. The Dotsons provide raw milk and other raw milk products from their A2/A2 Jersey cows through a Raw Milk Herdshare Program.