The first Monday of every month is Member Monday where we feature a member photo or video on our Instagram and Facebook pages. Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund is proud of our members, and we take great pleasure in highlighting their operations and the awesome work they are conducting in sustainable farming, animal husbandry, artisanal…
grassfed lamb
Increase the Supply of Farm-Raised Meats; Support the PRIME Act and Changes to FMIA
Small livestock farmers and custom meat processors would love to sell more meat locally. And consumers want to buy meat from local farms. The problem is federal policy makes this exchange extremely difficult. There are two bills on the table that will support the supply of farm-raised meats by improving access to local meat processing […]
Use New Comment Portal for 2023 Farm Bill to Support On-Farm Slaughter
Our friends at Rural Vermont are petitioning the members of the U.S. House and Senate Agriculture and Appropriations Committees to add clarifying language to the Federal Meat Inspection Act. The House Agriculture Committee has just created a portal for direct stakeholder feedback. This portal can be used to urge members of the committee to clarify language for […]
June’s Member Monday
The first Monday of each month is Member Monday where we feature a member photo or video on our Instagram and Facebook pages. Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund (FTCLDF) is proud of our members, and we take great pleasure in highlighting their operations and the awesome work they are conducting in sustainable farming, animal husbandry, artisanal production, and homesteading. […]