The first Monday of each month is Member Monday where we feature a member photo or video on our Instagram and Facebook pages. Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund (FTCLDF) is proud of our members, and we take great pleasure in highlighting their operations and the awesome work they are conducting in sustainable farming, animal husbandry, artisanal production, and homesteading.
Jako Farm is a true, multi-generational farm located in Hutchinson, Kan. On Saturday, May 28,2022 the Jako Farm Community gathered for “An Evening on the Farm,” An event also represented 100 years of the King Family stewarding this land. Current managers are Daniel and Robyn King.
When Ken and Judy bought the farm from Ken’s parents in 1985, they named it JAKO, an acronym created from their names: Judith Ann, Kenneth Oliver. Little did they know that in a few short decades, hundreds of people would regularly come to visit Jako Farm and ask how that name came to be!
Jako’s diversified farm goods include raw, all-grass dairy, tallow-based skin care, all-grass beef and lamb, pastured poultry and eggs, and pastured pork. For 100 years and four generations the King family began caring for this farm. Although it has looked very different through the years, the goal has always been the same: provide the best food possible for our family. Every generation has worked the land, investing sweat, time, and love into raising another generation.
Visit them online at https://jakofarm.com/
Or on Facebook @jakofarm and Instagram @jakofarm