Joe Salama, attorney and author of The Paleo Miracle, interviewed Cate Shanahan, M.D., the nutritionist for the L.A. Lakers basketball team. Dr. Cate Shanahan promotes fats from pastured animals while FTCLDF promotes farmers who raise those animals!
What do you do for the Lakers?
We operate on several levels so answering the question is a little complicated but the basics are that the Lakers now have a program called
Play It Forward: View Unacceptable Levels to Help FTCLDF and Learn About Toxins!
Rent or purchase Unacceptable Levels. It’s a story about the chemicals in our bodies, how they got there, and what we can do about it.
Films like this raise awareness, change consumer buying patterns and can ultimately be part of the solution (e.g., protecting small-scale, eco-friendly farming). FTCLDF also raises awareness, changes consumer buying patterns (farm to consumer).
We Are At War
If everything that has been happening in recent months isn’t enough to convince you that we’re in for the fight of our lives, to protect something as basic as what we will feed our families (or the medical care they do or do not receive), then maybe the following from Elizabeth Gamsky Rich, Esq. will convince you. Elizabeth is an attorney and Vice President of the Farm to Consumer Legal Defense Fund, and she spoke in May at a fundraiser dinner in St. Louis… “We are at war. It is a war. It’s a war to protect our right to food freedom