States’ rights and the individual’s right to be informed about genetically engineered foods are under serious threat. A bit of good news is that the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has announced it is revoking the registration of “Enlist Duo,” a toxic herbicide developed to
Living with GMOs: A Letter from America
See digital billboard message
An open letter to the citizens, politicians, and regulators of the UK and Europe about the hazards of genetically modified crops—the warning comes at a critical time as the European Parliament will vote in January whether member states can decide for themselves to grow GM crops or not. If this legislation is passed, the UK
Play It Forward: View Unacceptable Levels to Help FTCLDF and Learn About Toxins!
Rent or purchase Unacceptable Levels. It’s a story about the chemicals in our bodies, how they got there, and what we can do about it.
Films like this raise awareness, change consumer buying patterns and can ultimately be part of the solution (e.g., protecting small-scale, eco-friendly farming). FTCLDF also raises awareness, changes consumer buying patterns (farm to consumer).
Tell USDA to Protect GMO-Free Producers Action Alert
Submit Comments on Proposed Coexistence with GMOs
It’s a fact: farmers’ crops have been contaminated with genetically engineered crops, also known as GMOs. And as long as the U.S. allows GMOs to be planted, this will continue and likely increase.
Tell USDA, Reject “Agent Orange” GMO Corn and Soybean Seeds Action Alert
Submit Comments on 2,4-D Herbicide Resistant Crops
Remember Agent Orange, the chemical from the Vietnam War that caused so many health problems and birth defects? If Dow AgroSiences has its way, one of the main ingredients of Agent Orange will be sprayed in massive amounts all over the U.S.