A few weekends ago, I had the opportunity to visit ground zero of the local food movement in the United States: Polyface Farm in Swoope, Virginia. Polyface Inc. has been featured in Smithsonian, National Geographic, Gourmet and numerous other radio, television and print media. The farm achieved iconic status as the grass-based farm featured in
Real Food Media Bloggers - Village Green Network
FSMA: Will “Food Safety” Undermine Food Security?
Although purported to address food safety problems in the industrial food system, implementation of the FSMA poses a threat to the ‘local food movement’ and true food security—-the ability of a country region or locality to produce enough food to meet its own needs.
The most wonderful aspect of going local with your diet, is the opportunity to meet pioneers of organic, sustainable agriculture. There is
Save Your Farmer! Save Your Bacon Weekend Giveaway
The Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund (FTCLDF) hosts a benefactor’s bash at Polyface Farm every year. This event is exciting, casual and inspiring. The things you’ll see and learn and the people you’ll meet are well worth the trip to
Boo! Three Foods Too Scary for the FDA and Three Foods Too Scary for ME
Raw Milk – The FDA claims that raw milk is dangerous, and they often go after those who sell it as if they’re criminals. Did you read about the arrest of Victoria Bloch, a sweet Weston A. Price chapter leader and farm market volunteer from California? Why their ignorance is what’s really frightening: Raw milk is one of
Can we be well fed but malnourished?
Nourishing Our Children: Learn how to nourish rather than merely feed your family. My name is Sandrine Hahn and I founded and lead Nourishing Our Children, a non-profit, educational initiative of the San Francisco Chapter of the Weston A. Price Foundation. We teach timeless principles for supporting learning, behavior and health through optimal nutrition. On our