The sham known as the DARK Act was an ugly reminder about who controls food policy in this country. Virginia farmer and activist Bernadette Barber provides details on who the players are and how they operate.
The Fog of Farming
Back in the day, if a pesticide cloud strayed onto a neighboring farm due to high wind or an inept crop duster, it was likely welcomed, a free service that the farmer would have had to pay for anyway. In some places today, that might still be the case. Unless, of course, you are an organic lettuce
Vote NO and Protect Missouri Family Farms Action Alert
Oppose Amendment #1 Change to State Constitution
On August 5, 2014, Missouri voters will decide on whether to pass Constitutional Amendment #1, also known as the “Right to Farm Amendment” (aka the “Right to Harm” amendment).
While the right to farm is something everyone should support, Amendment One serves as a bio-tech/concentrated
Secret Planting?
GMO wheat used in field tests years ago was discovered earlier this year in an Oregon farmer’s field, raising questions over the source of the seed contamination as well as renewing concerns about . . .
Between 1856 and 1863 an Austrian monk, Gregor Mendel, cultivated and tested tens of thousands of plants, mostly peas, and
Tell EPA to Lower Glyphosate Tolerance Levels – Protect Our Health and the Environment! Action Alert
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) issued a new rule raising the allowed residue levels of Monsanto’s herbicide glyphosate (Roundup) on food crops and more. The regulation went into effect May 1, 2013.
Tell the EPA to use the latest independent science rather than depending on industry-funded, outdated studies supplied by Monsanto!