WASHINGTON, DC–June 11, 2013 —Three quantitative microbial risk assessments (QMRAs) recently published in the Journal of Food Protection have demonstrated that unpasteurized milk is a low-risk food, contrary to previous, inappropriately-evidenced claims suggesting a high-risk profile. These scholarly papers, along with dozens of others, were
foodborne illness
Morningland Dairy Still Needs Your Help!
Missouri’s farmstead cheesemaker remains shut down and is in the process of appealing the judge’s ruling. The Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund (FTCLDF) got involved in the case from the very beginning, and the Dixons are very thankful that they had somewhere to turn in their hour of crisis. Joe Dixon has had to go on […]
Defending Raw Milk Against the CDC
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) released a study in February that the agency publicized with the headline, “Majority of dairy-related disease outbreaks linked to raw milk.” It’s not surprising, but still disappointing, to see how the agency was willing to ignore the real facts and data in order to try to discourage people from [Read full post…]