The Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund’s General Counsel Gary Cox provides the rundown on the cases he’s currently handling. Everyone represented in court by FTCLDF is a member of the organization.
Wisconsin Supreme Court Raw Milk Cases for Food Freedom
By Gayle Loiselle
Three Wisconsin farms now have petitions for review before the state’s Supreme Court—all challenging the legality and constitutionality of contracts between farmers, private citizens and private food groups to acquire or provide fresh unpasteurized
Dairy Farmer Hershberger to Hold Press Conference on Upcoming Appeal
Jurors Who Acquitted Dairyman in Criminal Trial to Join in Ice Cream Social
Farmer Vernon Hershberger of Wisconsin, recently acquitted on 3 of 4 criminal charges for food distribution, will host a press conference on his farm regarding his appeal of the 4th charge. Members of the press are invited to attend. Jurors from his trial and members of
Farmer Hershberger Seeks Full Vindication
Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund Files Appeal in Wisconsin Raw Milk Case
Falls Church, VA—July 3, 2013 (GlobeNewswire)—The absolute right to private, unregulated, direct trade with a local raw milk producer is being fully tested in the heart of “America’s Dairyland.” The Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund decided to appeal the
Wisconsin Aims to Jail Amish Farmer
Farmer Acquitted by Jury Now Threatened with Jail by DOJ
Baraboo, Wisconsin—June 3, 2013—Less than a week after the jury acquitted him of three criminal charges, Eric Defort and Phillip Ferris, attorneys for the Wisconsin Department of Justice (DOJ), move to have the judge revoke the