In our recent Annual Member Survey, we heard from many of you about policy and legislative issues you’d like to see the FTCLDF support. We thank you for your feedback!
Our members also made it clear that they, too, want to do more to support their local farmers and food producers and to advocate for changes that will expand food freedom laws for producers and consumers at the federal, state, and local levels.
So, we are stepping up our policy efforts on all fronts and you can help! Not yet a member? Join us today!
Now Is the Time for Action
In most states, the legislative session begins early in the year. During this period, news bills are introduced and bills that died the prior year are resurrected. Once introduced, the bills will make their way through both senate and house meetings and hearings over the course of weeks or months where they will be discussed, debated, studied, revised, and voted on. Some will then pass into law, others will be rejected, and still others will end up in limbo to perhaps be revived in a future legislative session.
Consult this chart to find out exactly when the next legislative session in your state will open. As legislators prepare for these sessions to begin, they are hard at work preparing their legislative agenda, crafting the bills they plan to introduce or resurrect, and working both sides of the aisle to garner the support that will help get their measures passed. So, right now is the time to make your wishes known and ask your legislators to push for bills that seek changes in the law that are most important to you. You want them to add your need to their legislative priorities before these sessions begin. To connect with legislators in you state and community, consult the Find Your Legislator links below. And be sure to CONTACT US if you have questions.
Understanding FTCLDF Policy Work
First, here is a snapshot of the policy work we’ve been doing and will continue to expand upon:
Legislator partnerships
We work with legislators to help them better understand the needs of farmers, food producers, and consumers in their states; assist them in drafting food and agricultural bills; provide sample legislation from other states; supply scientific, financial and other data or experts to support their policy efforts; and provide access to member constituents who can offer valuable input.
Coalition partnerships
We work closely with organizations like the Food and Ranch Freedom Alliance and the National Family Farm Coalition to strategize on policy solutions and garner partner and legislator support for bills important to our members and our mission.
Policy tracking
We search for and track the progress of bills at the federal and state level across the country that seek to expand laws in meat processing, cottage/home food production, poultry, dairy production, agritourism, and many more.
Policy advocacy
We submit comments or testimony at hearings lending our support to (or sharing concerns about) legislation we monitor; we issue action alerts urging members to attend key bill hearings, submit comments, and ask their legislators to support important bills; we contact legislator offices across the country alerting them to important food and agricultural legislation and urge them to join the effort.
Member support
We support members who lead advocacy coalitions in their communities by offering guidance, connecting them with legislators and allies, helping them craft bills, and preparing them for government meetings and hearings. CONTACT US with your questions.
What You Can Do
Time and again we have seen our members achieve great success and make meaningful progress on policy change in their states and communities, so we know the process works and we urge you to get involved and to lean on us when you need support!
Build coalitions
Whether you are a food producer or a consumer, connect with other producers, consumers, advocates, and partners in your communities on issues of common interest and concern. Create an advocacy coalition, garner support and grow your advocacy base!
Meet your state and local legislators
Go to legislator town hall sessions, government meetings, pancake breakfast, harvest fairs, community events – anywhere legislators go to connect with their constituents. Share your story with them and tell them why improved food and agricultural policy is important to you, your family, your business, and your community. Establish a connection and then follow up with your ask – what improvements in law or policy are you seeking? Ask them to lend their support and follow up often, by emailing, calling their office, and seeking meetings.
Act: Make your voice heard!
When legislation you support is being acted upon, engage! Call, email, or meet with legislators and tell them exactly how you want them to vote. Attend hearings to lend support and offer testimony if you can.
Find Your U.S. Senators
Find Your U.S. Representatives
Contact FTCLDF!
Let us know about food and agricultural bills important to you that have been introduced so that we can track them.
If you want to support an effort but are unsure how to get started, reach out and we can guide you, provide talking points, share success stories, and offer other support. The best way to reach us is to login to your member profile, click contact at the top of the page and complete the inquiry form. Your submission will be logged and someone will be in touch!
Now, let’s get to work together to move your policy needs forward!