Thank you to all the Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund (FTCLDF) members who participated in the recent survey. Your response helps us to better serve you. Our members are made up of farmers, homesteaders, cottage food and beverage producers, food buying clubs, and concerned consumers.
2024 Member Survey Replies
Our members’ top three favorite member benefits are:
- Possible legal representation if there is a court case on matters that are within FTCLDF’s mission statement.
- Unlimited consultation with attorneys after the first six months of membership on matters within the mission statement. Up to two hours of consultation with an attorney immediately upon joining.
- Use of toll-free 24/7 emergency hotline to speak with an attorney if there is a surprise visit or inspection.
Legal issues faced by our members were reported in this order:
- Dairy regs: 54%
- Cottage food restrictions: 36%
- Meat processing limitations: 35%
- Finding meat processors: 26%
- Poultry processing limitations: 22%
- Zoning issues: 20%
- H5N1 Impacts: 18%
- Other: 7%
Other production concerns included livestock guardian dogs, selling meats via a butchery, grant assistance, herbicide runoff and overspray, and desired access to livestock sales contract templates.
Compared to last year, members reported that 25% are thriving; 14% are struggling; 40% are similarly situated; 21% Other. Compare that with the 2022-member survey, 53% of respondents were thriving, 22% said they were similarly situated, and 12% were struggling. In 2020, 68% of respondents reported that their farm businesses were thriving, 14% were in about the same position as the year before, and 11% were struggling.
According to our member respondents, 79% sell direct-to-consumer through on-farm or farm stores. Other typical sales avenues:
- Farmers market: 22%
- Home-based business: 16%
- Online: 11%
- Retail shop/market: 9%
- Private member buying club: 9%
- Restaurant: 7%
- CSA: 5%
- Other: 4%
- N/A: 11%
Many member respondents said in the last year sales have been negatively affected in the past year due to inflation impacting consumer purchasing power.
Similar to the 2022 member survey, 76% of members are struggling with input expenses. Feed, hay and energy costs top the list, along with equipment, labor, insurance and land costs.
What do members like most about FTCLDF in 2024?
- Having a legal protection from harassment.
- The security and the peace of mind membership provides.
- Access to advice and support at any time.
- Availability and ease of access.
- Affordable legal help.
- Legislative and advocacy efforts.
- Assistance with legal documents such as herdshare and meatshare agreements, and liability waivers.
- The specialized expertise of our attorneys and legal consultants.
When asked which policies you would like to see FTCLDF focus on MOST, members said:
- Prime Act: 49%
- Licensing and permitting: 40%
- RFID: 39%
- Agritourism: 35%
- Micro Home Enterprise Kitchens: 30%
- Zoning: 18%
- Urban Ag: 7%
- Other: 7%
Members: Thank you for your participation! As always, members are welcome to Ask Us specific questions by phone, Contact Form, or email. And make sure you check out the Member Resources page when you sign in to our members-only platform. There you can access all of the past members-only webinars, special articles, and more.
Thanks to you, reader, for all you do to build a more localized and sustainable food supply!
Would you like to provide a testimonial about your work with FTCLDF? Contact us HERE.
Not a member but would like to be? Join or find out more HERE.
Want to support our work? Donate HERE.
FTCLDF is a true grassroots organization with most funding coming from membership fees and individual donations.
Throughout our first decade and a half, we have defended the rights and freedoms of farmers, homesteaders, artisans, and consumers to grow, obtain, share, exchange, and sell nutrient-dense, local, sustainable, and artisanal food.
We would not have made it this far if it weren’t for those of you who: join and renew your memberships; donate funds, food, or time; read and share our posts; like us on Facebook; follow us on Instagram; and host events for us. We thank you for supporting our work and hope you will continue to do so in 2023 and throughout our second decade of protecting food choice.
Consumers and governments alike have seen how consolidation and corporate control of our food system made it vulnerable. Now is the time to ensure that FTCLDF members receive the legal representation they need and also support efforts to pivot to a more sustainable food system that helps small farmers, ranchers, artisan producers, and their consumers.