Food bill de-regulating raw and local foods moves into House
Legislation to allow the sale of raw milk, homemade food products, and other direct-to-consumer goods has finally passed committee and entered the House. Known as the Wyoming Food Freedom Act, the bill would allow local food producers, farmers, home crafters, and more to sell their products directly to consumers in Wyoming without onerous regulatory requirements.
This means that farmer’s markets will become more common and easier to find, raw milk and whole foods will become more accessible, and local farmers and gardeners will have the ability to sell their products directly to consumers.
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The vacant urban lots of inner city Chicago where community organizer LaDonna Redmond first started growing organic vegetables have little in common with the pastoral rolling hills of Vermont.
But that did not stop Redmond from making strong connections with the audience of about 800 people who gathered in the University of Vermont’s Ira Allen Chapel on Saturday morning to hear her keynote speech at the Northeast Organic Farming Association (NOFA) of Vermont’s annual winter conference.
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CHEYENNE — Legislation to permit the sale of raw milk and homemade food products advanced out of a House committee Thursday.
House Bill 54 would exempt producers from licenses, inspections and certifications when selling directly to consumers. The Wyoming Food Freedom Act also would encourage the expansion and availability of farmers’ markets, roadside stands and farm-based sales.
The committee voted 6-3 to move the bill to the floor of the House for discussion.
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A recent University of Wisconsin study will provide business strategies to help local Wisconsin farms meet increased demands for local food.
The UW Center for Integrated Agricultural Systems and the UW Extension Agricultural Innovation Center studied 11 food aggregators — farmers who make food for sale — and distributors nationwide to develop business strategies to help farmers distribute local produce to larger markets.
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Copy of the court documents
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