1. What is the term for membership?
The term for membership is one year.
2. How long does the approval process take?
Once you have submitted your application for membership, you will receive written notification of approval status within 1 – 2 weeks.
3. What happens if my membership application is not approved?
If your application is not approved, then you will receive written notification and a full refund of your membership fee.
4. When does my membership take effect, if my application is approved?
Your membership is in effect the day of your approval. Your renewal date is the date payment was received.
5. How can I complete my membership application?
- Online: click here to start an online application.
- Mail: Download, print, complete, and mail the Membership Application.
- Phone: Call (703) 208-FARM (3276) to request an application form.
- Fax: Download, print, complete, and fax the Membership Application to (703) 208-3278.
6. What methods of payment do you take?
We accept credit cards (VISA, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover), debit cards, money orders, and checks.
7. Can I pay with cash or barter?
No; please do not send cash or chickens! We love pastured poultry, but can’t use them to pay court costs.
8. How can I expedite my application for membership?
Normally, an application takes 1 – 2 weeks to process; however, if you are in a legal emergency, please call our office at (703) 208-FARM (3276) for further direction.
9. Can I become a lifetime member?
At this time, we’re not providing that option.
10. Are my membership fees tax deductible?
Membership fees paid to FTCLDF are not tax deductible as a charitable contribution. Consult with your tax advisor or attorney to determine whether membership fees paid to FTCLDF may be deductible as a business expense.