This Week's Features - visit
- Raw Milk Battle Continues in Wisconsin
- FDA's Ace in the Hole
- Fowl Play: Pumped and Plumped Meat
- 2010 Wise Traditions Conference - The Politics of Food
- Cow-Share College & Goat Share University Teleseminar Series - October
- Visit FTCLDF's Facebook Page
- Web Addresses (urls) in this Edition
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Raw Milk Battle Continues in Wisconsin
Elizabeth Rich, Esq. | October 20, 2010 
splashing glass of milk
Battle lines between Wisconsin farmers and the Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection (DATCP) have been drawn in tow lawsuits. The first, brought by the FTCLDF, GrassWay Organics farm, and members of the Association that obtain milk from the farm, alleges that DATCP's interpretations of...more

FDA's Ace in the Hole
By Pete Kennedy, Esq. | October 13, 2010 

Despite there being not even a single report of illness, there have been numerous instances over the past four years where licensed raw milk dairies in New York and Pennsylvania have had their sales suspended due to....more 

Fowl Play: Pumped and Plumped Meat
By Dr. Kaayla Daniel, Ph.D., CCN | October 12, 2010 

Dr. Daniel provides a deeper view into commercial chicken processing and even more reason for consumers to seek out pastured poultry. Ever wonder about those plump well-endowed...more

2010 Wise Traditions Conference
- The Politics of Food
November 12-14, 2010 

7:30-9:30 a.m. Friday
7:00-9:00 a.m. Saturday & Sunday

Be sure to visit the Farm-to-Consumer Booth!
Click here for details about the Farming Track
Farm-to-Consumer Foundation presents
Last Teleseminar Session for 2010 - October 28 Open Forum

Raw milk consumers knocking on your door? Want a way to provide raw milk legally in your state...Get practical information to start, maintain or upgrade your share operation.  Ask about recordings of this 4-part series.  

Register Online Now or Call 703-208-3276 - Click here for details.

FTCLDF's Facebook page is updated regularly with news about raw milk, food safety, and other issues, along with updates about the Fund's ongoing work protecting farmers.

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 Raw Milk Battle Continues in Wisconsin

FDA's Ace in the Hole

Fowl Play: Pumped and Plumped Meat

2010 Wise Traditions Conference - The Politics of Food

Cow-Share College & Goat-Share University

        Register Online Now

Visit FTCLDF's Facebook Page

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