Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund
Defending the rights and broadening the freedoms of family farms and protecting
consumer access to raw milk and nutrient dense foods.
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SB 201 "The Fresh Raw Milk Act of 2008" will be signed by the Governor only
with your support!
Call 916-445-2841 and leave a short but polite message urging the Governor
to sign SB 201 into law.

Or, (for California residents only) download and print a postcard to send to
the governor, click on

For the last eight months your actions - your attendance at committee
hearings, your letters and phone calls, your appearance at legislative
events - have made all the difference. Our world-class raw milk bill has
passed all of the votes in the Assembly and Senate and now sits before the
Governor. Now is the time to pull out all the stops and assure signing of SB
SB 201 represents dynamic, ground-breaking legislation, and as such it may
be threatened by veto.
Please call Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger and ask him to sign SB 201. When
he was a body builder he drank raw milk. He knows the nutritional value of
this wonderful and whole food. He needs to hear our support loud and clear.
Your calls and letters will encourage him to overcome any voices within his
administration that still oppose SB 201.
It is up to us to assure one more time that this bill is signed and made our
raw milk law.
Keep calling the Governor until he signs SB 201. Call him every week until
it happens. Your voice has made the difference all along!